Scheepers, C.A. (2022) Creating an entrepreneurship framework to stimulate employment creation in the South African Healthcare Industry. DA VINCI INSTITUTE Ph.D. Thesis. READ IT HERE
Scheepers, C.A. (2017) Associated conditions and complications among people with diagnosed cholesterol. IARAMT Dip. T.R. Research Report. READ IT HERE
Scheepers, C.A. (2013) Evaluation of the factors impacting entrepreneurial sustainability of Tibb Healthcare Practitioners in Cape Town. MANCOSA M.B.A. Dissertation. READ IT HERE
Scheepers, C.A. (2003) Die ontginning van praktiese sosiologie as beradingsmodel vir toepassing in 'n Christelik-Holisties gefundeerde praktyk. COU Ph.D. Thesis. READ IT HERE
Scheepers, C.A. (2002) Traumahantering deur die gebruikmaking van die metaforiese waarde van Bybelkarakters binne narratiewe verband. CLT M.Min. Dissertation. READ IT HERE
Scheepers, C.A. (2001) Christelike Beradingsbediening. THEOLOGOS B.Min. Scripts. READ IT HERE