IMM Touch

Physical Touch Data Sheet


  • Jan is a 35-year-old married male with a BCom degree working as marketing manager.
  • Janine is a 22-year-old single female with a NDip working as receptionist
  • Jannie is a 25-year-old single male with a Certificate in Sales working as salesman
  • John is a 48-year-old divorced male with a BBA degree working as Sales manager
  • Janice is a 52-year-old widowed female with at DBA degree acting as the company CEO
  • Jeanine is a 33-year-old single female with a BCom (Hons) degree working as HR Manager
  • Jo-Ann is a 28-year-old single female with a BSc degree and is the corporate physiotherapist
  • Julie is a 26-year-old married female with a BCom degree working as the sales rep
  • Jack is a 39-year-old married male with a MBA degree and is the managing director
  • Jolene is a 27-year-old engaged female with matric working as a saleswoman

Do you like to be touched? Do you like to touch others? May I touch your hand?
Jan Yes No Yes
Janine Yes Yes Yes
Jannie No No No
John No No Yes
Janice No No Yes
Jeanine Yes Yes Yes
Jo-Ann Yes Yes Yes
Julie Yes Yes Yes
Jack No Yes Yes
Jolene Yes No Yes


Rate on a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 is strongly agree, 2 is agree, 3 is neutral, 4 is disagree, 5 is strongly disagree:
  Touching in the workplace is acceptable Colleagues may touch each other The CEO may physically touch employees
Jan Neutral Disagree Disagree
Janine Agree Agree Disagree
Jannie Disagree Neutral Disagree
John Disagree Disagree Agree
Janice Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree
Jeanine Agree Agree Strongly Agree
Jo-Ann Strongly Agree Agree Agree
Julie Strongly Agree Agree Strongly Disagree
Jack Agree Agree Disagree
Jolene Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Disagree


Which of your body parts are you most comfortable with getting touched by your ...?
  Friends/Friends Lover/Spouse Work Colleagues Doctor
Jan Hands Everywhere Hands Anything
Janine Hands Everything Hands Anything
Jannie Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
John Nothing Nothing Hands Anything
Janice Nothing Hair Hands Exposed parts
Jeanine Hands Feet Hands Exposed parts
Jo-Ann Hands, Face Feet Hands Anything
Julie Hands Ears Hands Exposed parts
Jack Hands Face Hands Anything
Jolene Hands, Arms, Feet Feet Hands Anything

Feedback from participants about Physical Touch:


1 Jan Physical touch is appropriate in some settings, and I like to be touched but I do not like to touch other people.  I like to go for things where I get touched, like having my hair cut.  It relaxes me.
2 Janine I love touch.  I cannot wait to be physically touched.  It makes me feel loved and I think touch is my love language.  The more I'm touched, the more I feel loved and cared for.  I love to go for massages because the touch really relaxes me.
3 Jannie I do not like to be touched and I definitely do not like to touch other people.  They must just leave me alone.  I love social distancing; I can do that forever into the future because it keeps my body away from other people and it keeps theirs away from mine.  The less touch there is, the better.  I did not even like contact sports because I hate the whole touching thing.
4 John Some touch is appropriate, like greeting somebody.  I used to give them a handshake but due to COVID-19 I now just say hi without actual contact.  That works fine for me.
5 Janice I do not like touch but I do see the value in it so when I meet a potential business partner, I would shake their hand in greeting but that is it.  I do not like more touching than that.
6 Jeanine Touch excites me.  Maybe too much; my lover will know.  As soon as he touches me, it is really exciting.  Overall I love touch but I do not allow just anyone to just touch my feet because I'm ticklish, only my lover may touch my feet.
7 Jo-Ann I love touch, that is why I'm a physiotherapist because I wanted to make touch my actual profession and earn income through it.  It is exciting to touch a patient and due to the touch therapy the patient feels better afterwards.  It is very rewarding.  I love touch so much that I do not only use in in my profession, I just love to be touched as well, so I love to go for massages and all kinds of touch therapies.
8 Julie I'm married so I do not just allow anyone to touch me.  My husband my touch me but others not always.  I first need to trust them.  But I do love touch so I love to go for massages or any touching type therapies like manicures and pedicures because I just love the touching.  It is so relaxing and I'm willing to pay for such professional touching, but it should always be professional.  I cannot overstep the boundary put in place by my marriage.
9 Jack I don't like to be touched but I do like to touch others.  That is sometimes strange and people say I may have a bit of a fetish, so I do not always share this with everyone; they may be kreeped out.  I'm sharing this with you in confidence.  I won't tell you what I like to touch, I'm a bit embarrassed, but I always look at specific body parts when I'm between other people and my work colleagues.  They will think I'm weird if they knew.
10 Jolene I like to be touched but I do not necessarily want to touch other people.  I especially like it when my feet are being touched.  It is relaxing and exciting.  Maybe I'm a bit like Britney Spears with a bit of foot fetish where it excites me when my feet are touched, but I never want to touch other people's feet; gross!  The thought of that makes me nauseas.